Friday, April 3, 2009

OMG! It came today!

The phone call came today.  I'll be starting my new job on  Wednesday.  I go in Monday to sign paperwork...and return on Wednesday at a very, very nice wage.  I am maybe a little stunned.  I've kinda been in tears on  and off today - short bursts out of nowhere.  Maybe it's relief seeping out of me.  Maybe I'm just PMS'ing.  

In times of medical emergency I've always been pretty level headed. But, once I've gotten home from the ER, or put the injured to bed, or returned from the pharmacy with whatever pain-killer has been prescribed and taken care of whomever needed care, that is when I lose it.  After all is done and in the wash, I tend to just roll over, pull the covers up past my chin and cry myself to sleep.  

That is how I feel right now.  I don't want to party, or go out for dinner or anything.  I want a nice dark room all to myself, a soft comforter and several pillows to toss around me and I want to go to sleep.  


  1. Again...class! Congrats
    Handing you a pillow!

  2. congratulations! (especially that nice wage part)

  3. Congratulations, S. You can borrow my big orange wedge pillow if you want :-)

  4. So, the new adventure moves forward with worthy compensation. Excellent start. You have done an impressive job putting things in place. The relief, and further steps into the unknown are bound to bring release and wonder, so the emotional anomalies make sense. Good going. I'm glad things are falling into place. Congratulations

  5. Congrats! sorry you suffer such emotional roller coasters... *passing a pillow*

  6. I just knew you'd get a great job! Im so very happy for ya. Enjoy the rest of your weekend and good luck with the new job and everything else. "hugs"
