Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Quiet Observations

Sshh now, hush - those two are doing the bus napping thing.  Her head is on his side of the seating.  His foot is on her side of the invisible bus buddies line.  A nap on the way to work this morning.  Their body language tells me they are a couple.

Last week on the way home the woman getting on the bus just ahead of me found the last forward facing double seat.  I took the side facing seat just behind her and opened my book.  My book is  more a ruse to look the part of bus rider.  The last stop in the downtown area a man came on board.  About halfway to where I sat he gets a big, genuine smile.  He is looking at the woman in front of me.  The double seat is for him.  

It's this smile of recognition, it's the comfort of napping together apart, it's lovely to witness.  It's wonderful to be surrounded in this way.  Hush, now be very quiet, keep your eyes open and you can see so many things.  Be sure to read the poetry in the back of the bus while you are there.

by Arne Pihl

In my dream
Of Dexter Avenue
Concrete is water
Traffic Lights
Are tricks of the moon
And you
With your transfer
Clutched in your fingers
And here to teach me
How to build
A canoe

posted without permission of Poems on Buses: 4Culture, 2007.  All poems posted on buses belong to the author.
Thanks Arne!


  1. Pretty interesting observation.

    I have been reading but some days its easier to comment than others.

  2. I love the way life keep hopefully you will be able to look back on this journal and smile when you see how far you have traveled

  3. I almost wrote a poem
    On buses and bus people
    But your prose was
    Poetic enough.

  4. The bus world can be intriguing. My most well received paper in freshman english was about the people on my bus trip from Tallahassee to Orlando.
    Seattle's bus world is actually better than most. It has a unique character and includes a diverse array of characters.
    I enjoyed your observations and the poem
