Saturday, January 2, 2010

Freecycle strikes again...

seats 2, bulky but not heavy, took up the back of my truck.

I also like Resolve Uphostery Cleaner (don't kid yourself - these things come with spots). Resolve stuff works wonders.

And that's how I spent my new year's eve. Adding furniture to my home.


  1. Freecycle beats moving or storing, eh? I know someone who sometimes travels with just the clothes on her back. When it gets too disgusting to wear, you pop into Goodwill or similar, buy something else and leave the other behind :-)

  2. I don't know that I'll go that far. By cleaning things to make them mine, it's sweat equity rather than cash. I still feel attached to these "things". But, then I don't travel extensively yet...interesting concept.

  3. Yes ... I have tried the chair and it is comphy.
