Saturday, October 15, 2011

Quilt in a Weekend - Part Deux

Yep, another quilt in a weekend. This one must be finished by Friday night as I am flying out on Saturday morning to Wisconsin to present this to another daughter I picked up on this walk through life. Actually it is for her six month old daughter. A grandchild of sorts that I have never met. It's a baby blanket that I hope she wears out through her youth.I have been informed that there is to be no pink included in any of this young girl's accessories.
But red is the color of happiness and fortune through life. I hope to post a finished baby blanket by Monday.

Of course, I can't do anything without having another side project going on as well. Tomorrow is book club and as facilitator I have three chapters to read and prepare a presentation for. I must like deadlines and stress. I certainly work under enough of them.


  1. The first quilt I ever made was a simple strip of patchwork sewing worked for my grandmothers knee.

  2. Quilt-making can let you communicate your imagination while you develop heated treatments for your bed and amazing products for others.
